Water Management Systems
A way to irrigate, track water usage, and manage it efficiently to avoid runoff and waste.

Converting all wells to electric and to be automated and monitored remotely. Pivots are ran at night to off-set power load to the grid and reduce evaporation.

Measures the amount of water being used and is installed on the main pipe of the pivot near the well.

By dragging an EC sled through the field and collecting soil samples, this is the foundation for writing a prescription.

Data is converted into pie slices and uploaded to the pivot to adjust the amount of water being dispensed in the different soil areas.

Pivots are outfitted with drop nozzles to get the water closer to the ground to reduce evaporation.

Allows the pivot to reach the corners and add irrigated acres.
Soil Probes
Equipment used to collect and monitor data about growing conditions and located in the field.

Sensors are inserted at different depths out in the fields. Information is sent via satellite to farmers personal device.

The probes measure a lot of different things from the air, surface and underground. Like temperature, moisture, ph, and salinity.

This real time data helps farmers make critical decisions about adding water and fertilizer during the growing season.
Global Positioning Systems & Telecommunications
Devices programed into the tractors and equipment that uses GPS make every pass through the field the most efficient.

GPS guides the tractor instead of the farmer. This ensures straight rows allowing more plants per acer. The GPS and autosteer have within 4 inch accuracy.

Straighter rows allows water to flow more efficiently and make cultivating (weed control) easier.

Prescriptions are uploaded and GPS tells the planter where to plant seeds more thick or sparse. Automatic shut offs and section control help prevent overlap.
Grain Management System
Technology that helps improve grain quality and reduce spoilage during long term stoarage.

Sensors are hung throughout the bin to measure moisture, temperature, and capacity. Drying the corn to the right moisture content is critical. If it's too wet it will spoil. If it's to dry it will crumble.

Data is sent to the farmers personal device. Fans are set to automatically start and stop, and run at night to save energy.

Granstrom Farms has on- site scales and the ability to load semis and rail cars with ease.
Safe and reliable equipment help reduce wasted time materials, and updated equipment help reduce carbon foot print.

The Ford F-150 is equipped with Eco-boost and promotes renewable energy like ethanol.

Tier 4 is a government mandated reduction in harmful exhaust gases for diesel powered equipment. Tier 4 standards will require significant emission reductions of particulate matter (PM) and Nitrogen Oxides (NOx). PM is defined as the black smoke/soot found in engine diesel engine exhaust, and NOx is defined as nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide.

The farm fuel trailer is equipped with a solar panel to power the fuel pump.